Friday, June 29, 2007

Canada Day!!!
it's coming up soon it's on the July 1st! The Canada Birthday. Canada is 140 years old. It was born on the 1867 and up to now 2007.

Thursday, June 28, 2007


it's been one year round of Summer. I remember the first time I got into North America was in Summer. We got a lot of sun almost everyday. People like spending out side of the house; biking, get sun tanning, BBQ, Camping, walking and do other things. It's fun time to be outside with family, friends. The temperature is around 20-30 degree C. But compare to Cambodia right now is rainny season. We got lot and lots of rain. But we hope it's not too much!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Close to the home...

The time is going near to the home
It just went through without going back.
Share in the celebration!
June 21 is National Aboriginal Day, a time for all Canadians to regonize the diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples.
Yesterday, at work I went to the parks and the staffs with some of the youth at the Rainbow Youth Centre. We stoped by and watched things that were going on at eah of those places. It was a nice day as well. It was a warm day!!! Enjoy the time outside:) Out side in the communities they brought up with some entertainments to celebrate Aboriginal Day! These are some pictures I took on that day.

Let's celebrate our Day!

Story telling...

Aboriginal Dance

Aboriginal girls Dancers

Come share the experience!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Foot Prints....

One night a man dreamed he was
walking along the beach with the Lord.

As scenes of his life flashed before him,
he noticed that there were two sets of footprints in the sand.
He also noticed at his saddest, lowest times
there was one set of footprints.

This bothered the man and he asked
the Lord, ''Did you not promise that
if I gave my heart to you that you'd
be iwth me all the way?
Then, why is there only one set of footprints
during my most trouble some times?

Then Lord replied, ''My precious child,
I love you and would never forsake you.

During thouse times of trial and suffering
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then I Carried You.''
One Step He Leads...

One step He leads, and one step I'll follow Him:) I do not know the future, so I will take one step to follow my Lord:)
It just a little note of a song in my heart today about following Jesus. I want to follow His step! Show me the path so that I will put my step afterward...''Your word is a lamp to feet and is the light to my path.'' Psalm 119:105

Friday, June 01, 2007

The feeling in between of time ...
The time is going by very fast. A year is almost done. Sometime I start to comepare with time I just got into Canada at the very first month of the time. Imagine the time that we meet the people and we say hello but now the time of saying goodbye. The feeling that rushing, pushing myself but infact I am still here. The time of rethinking and remember what a beautiful exprienced year here and I can say ''Yes, I have had a very good year in my life'' and give thanks to the Lord of making today of mylife meaningful. The time of learning everything new-I enjoyed, am enjoying and will be rememable in the future. It is an amazing year of life:) Always looking upward ;-)